Green Tea Sencha

If you already Had a opportunity to pass by our online shop and taste our teas, You Would Form Sencha is apart of Almost all our green tea blends. We chose it Because It's The Most Popular tea types in Japanese culture. By tea Was Originally Known records Brought by Japanese diplomats from China in the 8th century. What makes it different Is That tea is steamed in Japan and in China mostly pan-fried.

The word from Japanese Sencha Translates as "green tea".It has many types: Shincha/Ichibancha (first picked of the year), Chumushi (middle steamed), Asamushi (lightly steamed), Uji sencha (from famous Japanese region), Genmaicha (roasted with rice), Fukamushi (steamed 1-2 minutes). They are all different in process, colour of liquor and taste.

"In the first 12-20 hours after harvesting leaves are steamed for 15-20 sec. in order to prevent oxydation."

The right time for picking Sencha tea leafs comes around early May. In Japan there even exists a belief that if you drink tea from the first day of harvest you will have good health for an entire year. In the first 12-20 hours after harvesting leaves are steamed for 15-20 sec. in order to prevent oxydation. Then comes rolling. Because of the first two steps the leaves will retain their natural aroma and all nutritional elements. The Third stage would be rolling/drying. Water from the leaf would be almost removed and quality preserved. Final step would be to filter leaves from buds and stems, and sort according to the shape and size.

When it comes to the brewing method there is a right way to do it. First and foremost, try to use a big teapot, large paper filters, a big tea strainer works well too. Most important is to avoid small filters/strainers, because tea leaves musthave a lot of space in order to infuse properly. Heat pure/filtered water to 80°C (when it’s just started boiling). Preheat the teapot and teacup by pouring hot (never boiling) water into a teacup and after into the teapot. Add desired amount of Sencha tea or as written in the suggestions on the tea box, and fill with hot water. Let it steep for 2-3 minutes, remove strainer and a tasty aromatic cup of tea is ready.

Not everybody knows but it’s only at the end of the 20th century scientists of the western world started to discover health properties of the tea. What we already know is that Senchahelps to prevent heart disease, cellular and genetic damage. Because its leaves are growing under direct sunlight, it makes them rich in vitamin C, tanin, minerals, bioflavonoids. They also contain potassium which helps to reduce blood pressure. It’s been also proven that Sencha tea slows down the ageing process as it protects from free radicals thanks to vitamin C and catechin.

"Natural sweetness and bitterness makes Sencha a perfect match with desserts."

As we pointed out in the previous blog post people are starting to see tea under a different light and consume it in new ways. It means you can pair Sencha tea (among other teas) with various foods. Tea is a great replacement for alcohol and caffeine during meal time. Natural sweetness and bitterness makes Sencha a perfect match with desserts. Such as carrot and cheese cakes, milk or white chocolate. As well as Savarin and Brie cheeses. Dishes rich in dairy products usually create a good combination with Sencha tea. Most importantly is that tea should please your taste. Try different combinations and see what you like the most.

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