Kabusecha tea Q&A

thé vert bio japonais

Japanese green teas are famous for their many substantial health benefits! In fact, since 2020, the popularity of Japanese green teas in France has been growing steadily. In addition to its delicious taste, many wellness-minded men and women continually choose green teas because of their multiple benefits.

What does Kabusecha green tea taste like?

Kabusecha is not very astringent, not very bitter and very fragrant. Its taste is balanced between umami and vegetal notes. Even if you add more tea leaves than necessary, the infusion will be strong, but not bitter. You will get a fuller flavour profile if you brew it longer.

How to drink Kabusecha tea?

You can drink it hot or cold. Pair it with savoury dishes or a delicious citrus dessert. You can also incorporate some green teas into your cooking, like Kabusecha or Gyokuro! These teas are easy to incorporate into dishes because of their soft, pasty texture. Consider using them in your rice, omelette or baked fish.

Japanese organic tea

What makes Kabusecha special?

  1. It has been grown in the shade for ten days and contains a large amount of catechins.
  2. It is rich in caffeine, which gives a boost of energy during the day and in the morning.
  3. It has a distinct umami flavour, a flowery aroma and low astringency.

Frequently asked questions about Japanese green teas:

Are all Japanese green teas bitter?
Bitterness is part of the taste experience of all types of tea. However, it is not a quality that will bother your taste buds. The only situation where you will be bothered by bitterness is when the tea is brewed too long or at the wrong temperature.

Can I drink tea in the morning on an empty stomach?
For some people it may cause nausea. Others may not experience any unpleasant effects. In general, it is best to eat before drinking any type of tea on an empty stomach.

Does brewing in hot water reduce the amount of catechins?
According to the latest research, hot water does not reduce the number of catechins, but it is important that the water temperature is correct to fully appreciate the taste qualities of the tea.

Which green tea is higher in caffeine?
Generally speaking, shaded teas (matcha, Gyokuro, Kabusecha) are richer in caffeine than Sencha.

How much green tea should I drink?
This depends on the quantity and whether the tea is brewed in a western or authentic style. The golden rule is not to drink too much tea; 2 cups a day is just enough.

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